Peggy – Adopted!
July 20, 2020Jack – Adopted!
September 14, 2020About Vicky
Not much is known about Vicky. In August 2020, we were contacted by a member of our Rescue community who saw Vicky had been consigned to an auction near Listowel, ON. Although this auction is reported to be for horses of higher value, with no kill buyers in attendance, realistically any horse at auction is at risk. This mare seemed especially important to try to save, given she was advertised as being in foal to a Canadian Sport Horse, due in October. As such, the Society stepped in, paying more for her than we'd have liked, against a dealer that, according to our contacts, may have foaled her out, shipping mum to slaughter and keeping foal.
Vicky arrived in foster care (we could NOT do this without our amazing volunteers) the day after the auction and did not look to be in foal, though she was producing milk. An ultrasound was performed which confirmed our suspicions - Vicky was not in foal. We have no way of knowing whether she'd recently lost a foal or if one had been recently weaned. Unfortunately, Vicky also arrived at foster care with an upper respiratory infection, likely shipping fever. She had been quarantined, and was treated, and recovered nicely under the watchful care of her foster mum.
After some time with her foster family, we've learned that Vicky is approximately 15 years old and is unregistered. It is possible she is a cross, though she was consigned as Canadian, without any indication of cross-breeding. She is sweet and loves humans fussing over her, following her people around the paddock like a puppy. She enjoys her grain and is slowly regaining weight and looking healthy. Feet are in good shape and she is a saint for the farrier.
Vicky is broke to ride and tacks up well, though she can be girthy at times. She behaves well in the crossties and stands politely at the mounting block. She has a good woah and enjoys a full stride walk. She does hold her head a bit high, but with training, balance, and strength that will lower in time. She does know trot and canter. She has displayed no "dirty" behaviours . . . no buck, bolt, or rear. She has been hand-walked through a forest obsticals course and seems willing to try everything. No spook at all; instead, everything we've seen with this mare is that she is very talented, skilled, and willing to learn.
That being said, she does have a habit of nipping at rider's left foot both while riding and on the ground. Of course, like so many Canadians she tends to be a bit pushy on the ground so needs a reminder of appropriate manners. Lastly, she needs a confident and experienced, handler. She is a dominant mare and very forward, even with a good woah. No end of potential with this brave mare.
Upon arrival, Vicky did not seem fond of other horses being too close at the fence line, pinning ears and the lunging at the fence. As she has settled this behaviour has lessened quite a bit so we think the need for safe space, and groceries, caused her to be a bit territorial. She is becoming less threatened by the other horses, so was recently integrated into the herd. She has become one of the top mares and made friends with a Clydesdale!
Overally, Vicky is genuinely a sweet horse and nickers to great you at the gate and loves being brushed. After receiving many inquiries and her foster family hosting a meet and greet, Vicky was adopted by a lovely lady not far from her foster home. We know this will be a great match and wish them well!