About Us

How we began

The Canadian Horse Rescue and Re-Homing Society was formed in 2015 after a few passionate and concerned Canadian horse owners learned that some Canadian horses had been shipped to a slaughter house in Alberta. As these horses are endangered, it was important to form a network to buy, adopt, or rescue and then rehabilitate Canadian Horses with the goal of re-homing them. Our role is to simply provide temporary shelter and care until forever homes can be found. Learn more about the Canadian Horse here.

Where we operate

We are a Canadian Registered Charity (allowing us to issue charitable tax receipts for all donations over $25.00) and a Non-Profit Society registered in British Columbia, Canada. However, thanks to volunteers, partners, and friends across Canada and into the US, we work hard to ensure any Canadian Horse in need, no matter its location, can be helped.

Here is How it Works

Tell us about a horse

A key component of the Society's work is helping owners re-home their horses, before sending them to auction or risking a less-than-ideal sale. Please contact us if you have a Canadian breed horse to re-home or know of any Canadian breed horses that might be at risk.

Currently, our society re-homes or rescues the breed of horse known as "The Canadian" only. Learn more about the Canadian Horse here.

Our team takes action

As we learn about Canadian breed horses in need, we offer owners several options to consider. We will also do a community call-to-action for any Canadian horses that might be at-risk, including those being sent to auction or that appear at auction without our knowledge.

Our rescue network provides food, shelter, and health care. We evaluate for soundness and basic training and handling, then plan our next move. The Society's goal is to be a place of refuge and safety until a loving, forever home can be found for these rare horses.

How you can support our efforts

From auction-watchers and horse haulers to temporary (foster) and permanent (adoptive) homes, it takes the whole community to ensure success. Like many Charities, we operate almost completely on donations and fundraising activities. No donation is too small and any over $25.00 will be issued a charitable tax receipt. Review the Get Involved page for further details.