Peggy – Adopted!

Ulan – Adopted!
May 9, 2020
Vicky – Adopted!
September 14, 2020


About Peggy

Not much is known about Peggy. In July 2020, we were contacted by a member of our Rescue community who was concerned that Peggy's low sale price might attract less desirable types, perhaps even putting her at risk of shipping to slaughter. As such, the Society stepped in.

What we do know is that Peggy is 11 or 12 years old and had been with her current owners for a couple of years. He had bought her from his neighbour. That is - quite literally - all the background information we have. From photos we also knew she was grossly overweight which could put her at risk of all sorts of health issues. The owner loved this mare but too much as she clearly had access to way too much food and not enough exercise. Her feet were also in rough shape.

We managed to buy Peggy and got her to a foster home, ASAP. She was seen by vet and farrier who felt that, although she may have foundered in distant past, there was no evidence of recent founder. She is sound and needed a trim but that was about it. We also had a couple of people ride her, testing out her training. We decided Peggy was "farm broke" - as in clearly broke to ride and seemed very safe, even going out on the trails. However she doesn't seem to really know "on the bit" or good response to leg aids. That, of course, may come as she remembers her training and starts to lose some weight making movement easier. She's a lovely young mare with a gentle and kind eye. Should make someone a great trail or hubby horse.

There was a lot of interest in Peggy and we had a record number of adoption applications. This was fantasic as it gave the Board an opportunity to really select the very best possibel homes, from so many amazing options. However, it was also very challenging. Ultimately, Peggy went to Donalf Farms (see and she is doing absolutely amazing. She has settled in, finally in a herd after so many years of isolation and is slowly getting fitter and stronger. Follow Donalf Farms for updates.