Rohan – Adopted!

Stormy – Adopted!
June 12, 2022
Bella – Adopted!
June 15, 2022


About Rohan

Rohan is a 7 year old black and white Gypsy Vanner Canadian cross who came into our care in May 2022, along with his siblings Bella and Stormy. It was a bit of a strange situation in which the horses seem to have been abandoned by their owners, with a generous family stepping in to provide what care they could. Ultimately, however, this family was unable to continue caring for this little herd and, thankfully, reached out to us for assistance. A call was put out to our community and a new connection was born. Taylor and her husband were happy to act as a foster home so off to Manitoba – from SK – the trio went.

Their foster mom describes Rohan as personable. He is quite shy and timid at first but once he gains your trust, he opens up. He is the first one to greet you at the fence and the first one to try new treats. However,  he is unsure about his surroundings when it comes to ground work and halter training – this is something his foster mom is working on. Taylor was a find for us, for sure!! Rohan is roughly 14.2-14.3 hands and has the most luscious forelock and mane. Handsome barely begins to cover it!

Not long after Rohan came into foster care there were a few inquiries, and one application for adoption. The herd was not immediately put up for adoption as we always strive to wait until horses have settled and been assessed by a vet and farrier before considering adoptive homes.  In addition, foster homes always have the first right to adoption. Once Rohan was seen by the health care team, and with a family gently reminding us of their interest, the application was reviewed, references checked, and the application finally approved.

Funnily enough, Rohan is moving back to Saskatchewan to a family with an incredible history of horsemanship. This guy is going to make a young lady very happy, and we cannot wait to see what this pair gets up to.