Jazz and Sass – Adopted!

Sadie – Adopted!
January 30, 2022
Stormy – Adopted!
June 12, 2022


About Jazz and Sass . . . Wyoming's Ladies

Update: October 2022: Sass (renamed Sasperilla) and her foal Jasper have been adopted by their foster mum, Candice and we are so thrilled it is hard to put it into words. These two have been doing amazing with Candice and slowly wormed their way into her hearts. We truly love foster fails! 

Update: August 2022 - Jazz has been adopted by an amazing family in central Alberta. We are thrilled and look forward to sharing future updates as Jazz and her new family settle in and grow together. 

These two lovely gals (Sass is featured above; Jazz is the headshot) were brought in, in November 2021, with Wyoming (see https://canadianhorserescue.ca/portfolio-item/wyoming/) but, unfortunately, we know very little about them. All we know is that one of our community members was contacted by a well-known horse trader in central Alberta, who had been offered Wyoming, along with these two unregistered Canadian mares; both have been bred back to Wyoming.

Although we are reluctant to work with horse traders (or dealers), our key priority is to ensure Canadian horses land in safe homes that are committed to the breed. This is especially important for a breeding stallion, as they can be difficult to rehome and handle, and a knowledgeable home is required. Pregnant mares also need safe places so we brought this whole family into our care. Once again, Gigi opened her home and her heart as a temporary foster location, and we deeply appreciate her ongoing and unwavering support of the Canadian horse breed and of the Society. The family settled in quickly and quietly and all seemed to have enough basic training to be gentle and respectful. We believe the mares are 10-12 years old; they've clearly had several foals and are definitely in foal.

As the foster home was temporary, we made some announcements to our community and were blessed with many inquiries. We really wanted to keep this family together, the interest was primarily in Wyoming. This made sense, given his bloodlines and his papers, ensuring offspring could be registered. As such, we made a decision to split them up. Wyoming was adopted by a breeder in Southern Alberta and began some research into his history, uncovering all sorts of fantastic information!

Not long after Wyoming was adopted we were thrilled to received an adoption application for both of the mares. At the same time, we were also informed that the mares were not Canadians - they were Standardbreds. We were shocked! Needless to say the adoption fell through and we were left with these two lovely ladies who don't really look like Standardbreds. We are pulling hair to do a DNA analysis which should tell us a bit more about them, and hopefully confirm breed. In the meantime, they are in foal to Wyoming and remain in foster care, ready for their forever home.