Graal- Adopted!

Zablo – Adopted!
January 7, 2018
Benson – Adopted!
February 9, 2018


About Graal

Graal's story has been graciously submitted by Roxane Salinas who also did not hesitate to offer her a home, when the Society was contacted asking if we could help. Here is what Roxanne submitted:

Rescuing and rehoming animals is one of the most emotionally and financially draining tasks out there. There is never enough money, there are never enough homes. But once in awhile, that task is a bit easier if it is a matter of connecting owners who must give up their companion with a prospective home willing to take him or her.

A web presence and word of mouth gives a society the visibility it needs to serve as a discreet contact for those facing difficult decisions and those who can offer a home. That’s just what happened with this lovely senior Canadian mare whose owner I was re-connected with through the Canadian Horse Rescue and Rehoming Society.

I had known this lovely mare and her talented owner over a decade ago but had lost touch with them over the years. When her owner found herself facing difficult circumstances, she contacted the Society who then connected the two of us. I can only imagine how difficult a decision it must have been for her owner to think about parting with her companion after so many years together, but I let her know that her mare would have a home here at our farm, if and when she was ready.

The weeks went by while her owner wrestled with many life-changing decisions, but at the end of August, 2015 that call came to ask if the offer of a home was still available. I picked up his lovely mare the weekend of the big storm that saw thousands of homes in the Fraser Valley without power and the streets of Langley littered with downed branches, trees, and power lines. Sarah Lindsay from the Society came with me in case I needed any help loading but the mare walked right in the trailer. With teary eyes, her owner and I hugged, and I promised her she could see her mare anytime she wanted, and that if her life later turned around and she wanted her equine friend back, to get in touch with me.

This great mare has now settled in easily, made friends with my mare, and is a sweetheart to handle; she is impeccably mannered for the farrier, quiet in the barn, happy-faced and easy-going. She just wants to be a good girl. Here are photos of her enjoying breakfast with her new pasture-mate and cavorting in the pasture like a young filly.

2017 Update: Unfortunately, Graal passed away in February 2017; she had spent the last years of her life happily playing with her herd mates, grazing, and just loving life!