Benson – Adopted!
February 9, 2018
Salam – Adopted!
January 20, 2019
About Sweets/Enfer
In June 2017 the Society got a message . . . “I found a Cheval Canadien at a kill pen; they even have his papers. I’m astounded. Can you help?” Turns out this kill pen was in Arkansas and, given that they were calling him a sport horse, they obviously didn’t know what they had. Here is the original post: https://www.facebook.com/stanleybroshorseco/videos/758988180939564/?hc_location=ufi
Knowing that horses in kill pens are at huge risk of being shipped to slaughter, and without worrying about the distance, the Society jumped in to action. Donations started coming in, we purchased the horse – affectionately known as Sweets – and arranged to have him shipped north. These things often happen fast so a foster home was arranged with the woman who first notified us, and the long journey began – from Arkansas, to Louisiana, to Pennsylvania.
Upon arriving in Pennsylvania, Sweets’ new foster mum said he was a doll. He got off the trailer like a proper gentleman, as if he’d been coming to that same barn his whole life. He quickly showed his loving personality, often running across the field for more people time. Not too long after he arrived his foster mum said “He also ground tied while we groomed him, fly sprayed him, and gave him ginger snaps. Then he was hand-grazed in the yard area for 15 minutes, and he certainly enjoyed that! I can't say often enough what a doll he is and how lucky we are. I can't fathom how he ended up at the kill pen.”
Unfortunately, upon further research we learned that Sweets tends to buck, and even bronc, at the canter/lope. He seems fine at the walk/trot but either pain or brain-sour causes him to act up. A switch flips and off he goes; this made it impossible for his foster mum to keep him. We were all heartbroken as it seemed like such a perfect fit!
To help find him a home, his foster mum wrote an ad. . .
As 22, he has lots of spunk left in him. Excellent ground manners. Ties, ground ties, good for farrier, bathing, loads, trailers well, lunges, haven’t found anything he won’t do. Experienced trail horse; has been ridden on the beach, in the mountains, you name it he’s been there. Goes well in the ring also. Rides English or Western using a snaffle or tom thumb but does not neckrein. Suitable for a more experienced rider who wants a horse that will ride the same if you ride him every day or once a year. Very steady, but will put enough life into a ride to keep it interesting. Loving personality, runs across the field to greet you, loves being groomed and loves his people time.
Believing it would be easier to place him, if back in Canada, preparations to bring Sweets home began. We found a fantastic foster home, arranged transportation, and had health checks done. Sweets crossed the border in November 2017 and has made many new friends at his foster home. True to form, he has shown himself to be a perfect gentleman, fitting in fine with the other horses and being affectionate with anyone that comes to visit. At this time, we also felt we could officially announce who this guy was - Norchesnes Figaro Enfer. Despite the kill pen’s name of “Sweets” being such a good fit (he is a sweet old guy), he doesn't actually answer to it. He prefers his Canadian name!
Enfer is available for adoption; please contact the Society for details.