Natalie – Adopted!

Ryder – Adopted!
November 10, 2017
Usher – Adopted!
January 7, 2018


About Natalie

Natalie came to us in November 2017, after her owner had tried to re-home her; even placing a “free to good home” ad on the Canadian Horse Link. We were shocked no one had picked up this lovely mare. After discussions with the owner, it was decided that the Society’s role would be to simply help spread the word; anyone that contacted us for more info was immediately put in touch with Natalie’s owner. This allowed the owner to decide on the best home for Natalie.

Our community responded with gusto! There was loads of interest we were able to whittle down to 1-3 really interested parties. The owner had discussions with all and finally settled on a new home. The Society then made an announcement and asked for transportation options. Natalie travelled to her new home in December, arriving just before Christmas. Her new family is thrilled!

Natalie’s story is a great example of how the Society can help owners re-home their horses. We simply facilitated a process, allowing the owner to decide where Natalie ended up. We are happy to simply act as a go-between, helping to ensure the owner feels comfortable with a new home.