Rocker – Adopted!
June 25, 2024
About Hawk
Rocker is a registered gelding, 1999/2000, currently located in Lethbridge, Alberta. His owner contacted us in August 2024 after deciding it was time to find him a new home. He was purchased as a possible riding horse for their kids, along with someone they could love on, but he's just not working out as hoped.
Hawk came to Alberta from Ontario when he was 2. He spent his life at Remington Carriage museum until 4 years ago when he was retired due to age and slight arthritis in his front legs. Since then he has pretty much been in the field eating. He is a bit skittish and does not love to be loved on. He is not great with getting his feet done which can be tricky to work with. At this time, he really just needs a soft place to land as a companion horse. He has more than earned his retirement.
This was an owner involved re-homing which means he is safe in his home until a new home is found and his owner will make all final decisions.