Midnight – Adopted!
May 10, 2017
Janine – Adopted!
May 11, 2017
About Gloria & Fancy
In June 2016, two older Canadian mares – with their papers – appeared at auction in Tofield, Alberta. The “gossip” was that these mares had served their purpose, putting many foals on the ground, but were no longer wanted or, perhaps, could no longer produce any foals. Either way, they were sent to auction where their fate is uncertain, or quite certain (i.e., kill buyers) depending on your point of view. We were extremely thankful that a member of our network (Jen) knew someone at the auction that could bid on them and take them back to her farm until a permanent home can be found.
As it can happen, Jen fell in love and almost immediately decided to adopt both mares. Jenn is closely connected to the Canadian horse community, teaches equine first aid, and is an incredibly accomplished horsewoman; the list goes on and on. Either way, we couldn't have asked for a better home!
Unfortunately, in September 2016, Jenn had to say goodbye to Fancy. She was put down after an 8-hour battle, fighting an impaction; turns out she had several large fatty lesions in her small intestines. Given her age and the severity of the situation surgery wasn't really an option. We are forever grateful to Jenn for finding Fancy, and her herd mate Gloria, adopting them both, and ultimately, giving Fancy the peaceful end to her life she had earned. Fancy's last few months of life were happy and full of love - a stark contrast for the fate that awaited her if not for this community, who never hesitates to respond to our calls for help.