Duke – Adopted

York – Adopted!
December 2, 2023
Goose – Adopted!
December 2, 2023


About Duke

In late June 2023, we were alerted to a small herd headed to auction July 1st in the Kawartha Lakes that included Canadians. Two young geldings and a mare were listed as Canadian from this herd, which was being dispersed due to a farm sale. Canadian Horse Rescue & Re-Homing Society volunteers mobilized to ensure all three had a safe landing. The horses were reported to have all been backed. The Canadians were all young (6 and under) and none had microchips. We managed to purchase all three, keeping them out of dealer or meat buyer hands.

The two geldings were reported to be 3 and 5 years old and the hauler was told by the owner that the youngest was registerable. They appeared bonded and were placed in foster together. Despite the stressful livestock auction environment (mostly cattle) and a long hot trailer ride to the auction that morning (4 hours), with patience and encouragement the boys loaded onto a two horse trailer to get to a nearby foster home.

The older gelding - that we named Duke as per his age - is sensitive and soft. He is estimated to be just over 15hh. Unfortunately he appears to have old injuries to his hind legs; scarring from cuts on his hind left and bony changes to right fetlock. He is pasture sound but can have a sore hind right after a lot of galloping around playing with his "brother." He can be skittish but he recovers quickly and is very trusting with slow and soft handling. He allows his legs, feet, belly and even sheath to be gently touched while at liberty in the paddock. His foster mom is working on haltering (he now halters well at the barn door), as well as getting him comfortable with leading into, and being comfortable staying inside, the barn. 

As can happen, foster mum Kelly, fell in love and, as Duke is never going to be riding sound, decided he should stay with her - forever. Welcome to the foster fail club, Kelly. You are in very good company. Thanks so much for opening your heart and home to Duke, and his brother.