Wild Bill – Adopted!

Janine – Adopted!
May 11, 2017
Ryder – Adopted!
November 10, 2017


About Wild Bill

We were asked to help Wild Bill after someone in our network noticed his sale ad on Kijiji. Although he didn’t seem to be “at risk,” the ad was concerning as his price was low enough to attract meat buyers and, though honesty is always the best policy, it was clear he needed work and may not be the easiest horse. We know Bill is purebred but, as a gelding, the breeder elected to not register him.

Christine Doane, of C&M Horse Haven, was the closest and agreed to pick him up, assess his abilities, and provide him a home. Bill is 14.2, maybe 14.3 with a nice sturdy compact build; he is definitely a powerful little guy. He is excellent to work with as long as you are calm and give him the little extra time he needs. He was said the be hard to catch and unpredictable (not mean or dangerous but acted so different from day to day), yet his foster family never saw any evidence of this. His foster mum could catch him out in the pasture no problem, saying he was sweet, gentle, and eager to please. He simply needed people to move a bit slower and give him space/time to figure out what he was being asked; he also seemed to need to be sure he wasn’t in any trouble. His foster mum saddled him a few times with zero issues and was confident he would come along nicely with an experienced kind hand. He wants to be good and tries hard every time she works with him. Lifts feet nicely, ties, walked in the trailer nicely for his first time in one, in a long time. As such, we were confident Bill could be adopted so began letting our community know he was available.

Despite lots of interest, and many conversations with a wide range of folks, only one person had serious enough interest to complete an application. This person was known in the Canadian horse community so the Rescue, after doing their due diligence, didn’t hesitate to sign off. Bill is heading North, into BC’s Peace River country.