Paxton – Adopted!

Rex – Adopted!
September 21, 2022
Nazka – Adopted!
February 6, 2023


About Paxton

Update: November 2022. Several folks responded to our FB post/reachout with a lovely family stepping in to adopt Paxton. He's loving life with this new family, complete with another Canadian and a teenage girl making Paxton feel extra special. Huge thanks to all involved. We love love it when things work out!

We found Paxton after several members of our community shared his Kijiji ad. We reached out to the owner, offering support in her efforts to re-home him and are really happy to support his family as they find him a forever home. The need to re-home is not Paxton's fault . . . family has to move and with some uncertainty about their next steps, felt it was best to re-home Paxton. Especially given he has some special needs.

Paxton is about 15hh, 17 years old, and a bit on the stocky side. He is unregistered but was sold as a Canadian. He is also mostly blind but seems to be managing just fine; from what his family can tell, he can see light/dark and likely not much else. He picks his feet up a bit extra so he doesn’t trip, maps out his field (does not challenge fences at all), and is at the bottom of the pecking order. He is a bit spooky at sounds if he doesn’t know you are there but he is all around a super sweet and gentle guy. As evidenced in the photos!

When purchasing Paxton, his family were told he was broke to ride and drive. Owner can ride him bareback in a bitless bridle no problem (as can the kids) and he is great. He has been saddled and was a bit uneasy/scared of the sounds, so he may prefer bareback. Paxton prefers to walk when ridden but will go into a trot if you really ask. Loves to be brushed and loves his grass and treats! He will come to the gate if you shake a bag of apple snacks!

He is currently outside 24/7 on a netted round bale and very plump. Super easy keeper! Vaccines done in early July, and feet done beginning of October. He has a crack in one back hoof from his previous home not trimming him soon enough, but it is growing out nicely (farrier was happy with growth and he has never been unsound). He will be dewormed once the frost hits/before he goes to his new home.

Ideally Paxton is a companion who does lead line for kids or to ride in the pasture that he has mapped out. If someone has the time to work with the saddling process he is healthy enough to have a job but, obviously, a blind horse needs some special care He loaded onto a stock trailer no problem when he was purchased and owner can deliver within the Niagara (Ontario) region for the cost of renting a trailer ($50) in addition to the small fee the owners are looking for, in essence recouping their cost to purchase Paxton.

This is an owner involved re-homing so, for the moment, Paxton will stay with this current family until a new home can be found. We encourage those interested to contact us and we will provide contact information for his owner.