Have a horse you need to re-home?
The Society provides a confidential, judgement-free option for Canadian Horse owners, and/or their families, who need to re-home horses. However, we are not a sales agent nor are we Kijiji, FB Marketplace, or another site where horses are bought and sold. If you are looking to sell your Canadian Horse(s) at market value, we encourage you to turn to the existing resources to sell your horses.
For horses needing to be re-homed, we have two main options. Of course, every situation is unique so please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.
Option 1: Immediate Surrender
This option is when horse owners/guardians turn the horses over to the Society immediately. We then own the horse (including transfer of papers) and we take full responsibility for the horse, making all decisions regarding care. This is similar to when a horse is sold; there is a new owner who is fully responsible and can do with the horse whatever they wish. Generally horses are moved into a foster home while we work to find an adoptive, or permanent, home. This option is often preferred by owners/guardians that must move a horse immediately. Whenever possible, even in emergency situations, we try to take some time to allow for a permanent home to be found. This way the horse only moves once.
Option 2: Supportive Re-Homing
This option is when the horse owners/guardians are not in any rush to move a horse and, instead, ask the Society for help in finding a new home. We put the horse out to our community as available for adoption, with owner involvement. Although owners may use our adoption application, generally we simply share owner contact info, leaving those interested in the horse to contact owner directly. We then step back entirely. Please remember: this is not the Society acting as a sales agent, doing the work to help sell the horse at market value. Instead, this is where the horse does need to be re-homed / surrendered, but there is less urgency, giving everyone time to find that perfect, forever home.
Getting Started
Finding your horse a new home can take time and the more information we have, the better. To begin, please complete the Horse Re-Homing form, sharing as much information as possible. Please remember that we are not a sales agent nor are we Kijiji, Marketplace, or other site where horses are bought and sold. If you are looking to sell your Canadian Horse(s) at market value, we encourage you to turn to the existing resources to sell your horses.
If you'd like to discuss things further, prior to completing the form, please send an email to info@canadianhorserescue.ca
However, the re-homing form is required for all horses to be re-homed via the Society. This ensures we have all the information required and terms/conditions are fully understood.
A Difficult Conversation
As a Rescue and Re-Homing Society, we often get asked to re-home horses that are ill, elderly, or require special care; others have barely been handled and have little to no training. We will always take horses in need, working hard to provide a safe place for them to live out their days. Please remember that, if your horse has special needs, it can make them harder to place so we do ask for your patience.
Often horses that are ill or elderly do not transition into new homes very well, leaving it up to the Society or the new family, to make very difficult, and sometimes costly, decisions. In these rare circumstances, it can often be better for the horse, though much harder for the family, to humanely euthanize instead of trying to re-home. We gently and respectfully encourage a realistic view of the situation. If we ask about this option, please understand we are simply exploring all the options with horse's best interests in mind.