Salam – Adopted!

Sweets/Enfer – Adopted
February 9, 2018
Jeremy – Adopted!
January 20, 2019


About Salam

Salam (Gelding, 13 years, registered [with papers]) came to our attention in Spring 2018. He was at a farm in BC's interior and needed more training than the new owner had expected. As such, he was posted for sale. We reached out, offering to purchase, helping to ensure we could find him a forever home. His foster family soon discovered he is sweet and gentle and in desperate need to find a person of his own. Every fibre of his being indicated he wanted and needed someone he could trust. However, he clearly had scars we could not see . . . he could be reactive if feeling cornered or pressured, resulting in him bolting away.

His foster family fell in love with him, but could not take him on permanently; they simply had their own horses to take care of. Thankfully, he was adopted with his new "mum" wanting to put him in professional training. While being moved, this sweet, gentle soul was in a trailer accident - the trailer actually flipped on its side. Yet, despite such a fright he waited patiently until his foster "dad" said it was safe; he got up calmly and walked into a new, waiting trailer to continue to the trainer. He has loaded and unloaded since with no issue. This indicates to all this horse has huge potential and, once someone has earned his trust, will be an incredible partner.

This guy's journey was not complete, however. After 30 days of training, his adoptive family decided he was more of a project than they could manage. He remained at the trainer over the Winter and, in March 2019, began another 30 days of training. The trainer, an incredilby experienced horseman in BC's interior decided Salam had huge potential so adopted him in June 2019. We wish Darryl and Salam all the best!