Halifax and Flick – Adopted!
January 18, 2022
Sadie – Adopted!
January 30, 2022
About Sterling
On January 1, 2022 several members of our community contacted us about an ad re-homing a registered Canadian stallion. The stallion was absolutely not at-risk but part of our mandate is to help owners re-home their horses so we reached out to the owner directly.
The owner was happy to have our support and we began to work together to find Sterling a new home. We learned Sterling is easy to handle, though sometimes hard to catch. He is about 15.2hh and is broke to ride and perhaps drive, though the current owner doesn't drive so that is an unknown. He certainly hadn't been hitched in several years.
As a stallion, it was critically important he go to an experienced home with loads of patience to help him reach his full potential. We were also hoping for an experienced Canadian Horse breeder who could ensure he can continue to produce registered foals, thereby contributing to the breed.
We had many inquiries but only one seemed truly interested and, after much discussion, Monique from Avant Garde Canadians (https://www.avantgardecanadians.ca/) submitted an adoption application. Being a long-time breeder and passionate advocate of the Canadian Horse, a CHBA board member, and a huge supporter of the society the board was thrilled and quickly approved Monique's application.
Of coures, at all times we were regularly communicating with Sterling's owner to ensure she remained fully informed of our progress and was confident in our recommendations. With her blessing, Monique made plans to bring Sterling to her farm in Saskatchewan.
We are deeply grateful to Sterling's owner for entrusting us with her boy and huge thanks to Monique for taking him in. We look forward to watching his journey.