Dino – Adopted!
March 24, 2024
Rocker – Adopted!
June 25, 2024
About Keaira
Keaira is a 24-year-old purebred Canadian mare, standing 15.1 hands and located in the lower mainland area of British Columbia. Her owner contacted us in spring 2024 requesting help in finding Keaira a new home as her own health issues made it impossible to keep Keaira. Some of us here at the Society knew this mare, so we were really happy to help.
Keaira was described by her owner as calm, well-mannered, and good on trails and with the farrier and vet. She trailers well and stands to be groomed without any fuss. She is trained in horsemanship and mountain trail. With the great feet so many Canadians are blessed with, Keaira has always been barefoot.
All this sounded amazing, but Keaira does have some special needs. She has had one bout of laminitis and recovered well but needs a low sugar diet as she is borderline EMS. These types of situations can escalate quickly, so her new home needed to be fully committed to ensuring her diet is appropriate.
We received a ton of messages about Keaira and were thrilled when Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association expressed interest. They do incredibly important work and take such good care of their animals. A meet and greet was held and Keaira was deemed a good fit for VTEA’s program. She moved to their facility in Langley in June 2024.
Unfortunately, by mid-August Valley Therapeutic decided Keaira wasn't a good fit so they worked to re-home her. When those interested didn't follow through, the Society was able to bring her into our care. Keaira was moved into long-term foster care, with the amazing Deb Harper. Clearly, Keaira was meant to be with us all along.